Per ingannare l'attesa, vi segnalo che anche il sito ufficiale di Gillian Anderson riporta un articolo in cui si parla del nuovo lavoro di Gillian.
PBS' MASTERPIECE THEATRE Gets a New Look and New Hosts
This January, MASTERPIECE THEATRE will introduce a new look, new scheduling, and the first of three new hosts for 2008. Gillian Anderson, well known to MASTERPIECE fans for her Emmy- and Golden Globe-nominated performance as Lady Dedlock in Bleak House, will make her debut as the host of MASTERPIECE CLASSIC on The Complete Jane Austen, the highly anticipated showcase of all six of Austen's novels,premiering Sunday, January 13 on PBS.
"Gillian is the perfect choice to represent the new MASTERPIECE CLASSIC," says executive producer Rebecca Eaton. "Through Bleak House, we learned just how passionate she is about the kind of programming we offer. And she's incredibly versatile: How many other actors would choose to go from The X- Files to Charles Dickens?"
"I am a huge supporter of MASTERPIECE THEATRE and the quality and integrity of its programming," said Anderson. "And if my hosting the first season brings a new generation of viewers to the classics, then I'm proud to be a part of it."
A new MASTERPIECE CLASSIC host is not the only change coming to the series in January. Viewers can look forward to a schedule that breaks the year into three "seasons," each with its own host, stunning graphics, and fresh take on the series' famous theme music. In winter and spring, MASTERPIECE CLASSIC will feature signature period dramas. In summer,
MASTERPIECE MYSTERY! will present the best British mysteries, and in fall, MASTERPIECE CONTEMPORARY will show dramas set in modern times.
"Our viewers told us that they miss having a host to lead them into the programs," said Eaton. "In 2008, we're going a step further, bringing on three hosts to the series -- each with a true appreciation for the genre they represent. We'll also introduce an elegant new on-air look, a redesigned feature-rich website, and a schedule that will help make our content easier to find. What won't change is the caliber of our programming."
Anderson will present the ten programs in the first MASTERPIECE CLASSIC season, including adaptations of all six of Austen's novels plus a new biopic; Cranford, a three-part miniseries starring Judi Dench; My Boy Jack, starring Daniel Radcliffe and Kim Cattrall; and a new adaptation of A Room with a View by Andrew Davies.
Hosts for MASTERPIECE MYSTERY! and MASTERPIECE CONTEMPORARY will be announced in 2008.
MASTERPIECE has been presented on PBS by WGBH since 1971. Rebecca Eaton is executive producer. Funding for MASTERPIECE is provided by public television viewers and CPB.
FONTE: PrNewsWire
Scully gets (even more) serious on 'Masterpiece Theatre'
Gillian Anderson's speaking voice in Bleak House was gloomy British perfection, but did you know Agent Scully likes to rock a jaunty English accent in real life? (The Emmy-winning actress, who spent a significant chunk of her childhood in the U.K., has said the accent returns naturally whenever she's there.) Perhaps that posh diction helped the star land her new job hosting Masterpiece Theatre, PBS' stalwart series with the 37-year history of veddy important programming. Helmed most famously by the late Alistair Cooke, the show's being revamped (presumably to attract a younger demo), and beginning in January, Anderson will host a "miniseason" called The Complete Jane Austen through May 2008. Now, I'm fairly certain I've watched more Monsterpiece Theatre with Alistair Cookie than Masterpiece itself, but Anderson's involvement may seriously entice me to tune in. Not to mention the performances that are promised, from the likes of Judi Dench, Daniel Radcliffe, and native Brit Kim Cattrall. What about you, PopWatchers? Have you missed seeing Gillian Anderson on the small screen as much as I have? And what's your take on this new PBS chapter in the X-Files icon's career?
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