Archivio Stampa 2012

RomaFictionFest 2012 Premiere - Great Expectations

Tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di  Charles Dickens, Great Expectations (Grandi Speranze) è una miniserie in due puntate prodotta dalla BBC che  tratta la storia  dell’orfano Philip Pirrip, detto “Pip” (interpretato dal giovane Oscar Kennedy da bambino e da Douglas Booth una volta divenuto adulto) e del suo tentativo di diventare un gentiluomo. Girato tra l’Essex ed il Kent in un’atmosfera cupa e desolata, tipica delle campagne povere inglesi dei primi dell’ottocento, lontano dalle atmosfere romantiche di  ... [Continua a leggere]

Roma Fiction Fest 2012: Gillian Anderson, l’intervista in esclusiva

La splendida Scully di X-Files è al Roma Fiction Fest per ritirare l’Excellence Award e per presentare la sua nuova serie, Great Expectations, adattamento BBC del classico dickensiano in cui interpreta Miss Havisham. Abbiamo parlato con lei del suo lavoro e delle prospettiva di una carriera.

Non ti guarda negli occhi, Gillian Anderson mentre la intervisti. Più che fredda, sembra timida, forse un po’ sfuggente, di sicuro stanca per i viaggi con cui sta promuovendo Great Expectations, nuovo adattamento BBC del classico di Dickens. Ma quando ti accorgi della lentezza suadente con cui parla, della luce che emanano occhi e sorriso, il ricordo dell’agente Scully e di altri personaggi di cui molti spettatori si sono innamorati è ancora vivo. Come ci si approccia approccia a un personaggio come Miss Havisham in Great Expectations e a lavorare con un colosso dell ... [Continua a leggere]

British spy

Il RomaFictionFest inaugura lo spazio dedicato alle anteprime con la proiezione del pilot di Hunted, complesso spy targato BBC

Dopo il colpo di grazia inflitto dalla terribile Missing, a restituire dignità e colore al genere spy sul piccolo schermo ci pensa Hunted, produzione britannica creata e sviluppata da Frank Spotnitz (X Files) che inaugura lo spazio dedicato alle anteprime straniere del RomaFictionFest. Sam Hunter (Melissa George), specializzata in missioni sotto copertura per conto di un'agenzia di intelligence privata, sopravvive ad un attentato organizzato da qualche membro della sua squadra. Un colpo basso che la costringe a far perdere le sue tracce per un lungo periodo. Almeno finché non si ... [Continua a leggere]

RFF: Melissa George presenta Hunted, la nuova serie tv firmata Spotnitz

Oggi è partito il Roma Fiction Festival con l’anteprima dell’attesissima spy story Hunted, creata da Frank Spotnitz e interpretata dall’australiana Melissa George. La serie ideata dal celebre sceneggiatore di X Files, è un prodotto europeo che avrà visibilità mondiale.  Spotnitz ha lavorato sempre sul genere di storie action – thriller e in questa occasione si riadegua alla contemporaneità e al mondo delle agenzie investigative private. La protagonista Sam Hunter, esperta agente sotto copertura per un’agenzia di intelligence ... [Continua a leggere]

RomaFictionFest 2012 Premiere - Hunted

Ad inaugurare le moltissime premiere internazionali – fiori all’occhiello di questa VI edizione del Roma Fiction Fest 2012 – è stata, proprio oggi domenica 30 settembre, la serie Hunted, un misto tra action-thriller e spy story creata da Frank Spotnitz, che per otto dei suoi nove anni di messa in onda, è stato uno degli sceneggiatori del celeberrimo X-Files. Lo show, prodotto dalla BBC, che andrà in onda su Sky Uno a dicembre di quest’anno, tratta la storia di Sam Hunter, interpetata da Melissa George (Dark City, Mulholland Drive, Grey’s Anat ... [Continua a leggere]

BBC Worldwide to Feature 'Dark Knight Rises' Writer David S. Goyer at RomaFictionFest

The Italian TV festival will dedicate a day to the talent and output of the U.K. public broadcaster's commercial arm, for the first time it has put the spotlight on a single international distributor.

LONDON – BBC Worldwide, the public broadcaster's commercial division, is teaming with the RomaFictionFest, a festival dedicated to television fiction, for a day's programming with writer David S. Goyer touted as a draw. It will be the first time the Italian TV shindig has dedicated an day to one specific international distributor. Running Sept. 30 through Oct. 5 in Rome, Goyer (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises) will present a masterclass on Da Vinci’s Demons, the eight-episode historical fantasy series produced by BBC Worldwide Productions for Starz Network a ... [Continua a leggere]

RomaFictionFest 2012 partners with BBC Worldwide for exclusive day of events

David S. Goyer, Gillian Anderson and Matthew Macfadyen to take part in series of panels, masterclasses and screenings in first ever BBC Worldwide day

BBC Worldwide is to have an entire day dedicated to the drama titles it represents around the world at RomaFictionFest, a leading international festival dedicated to television fiction. Running from 30th September to 5th October in Rome, this will be the festival’s sixth year andthe first time a day has been dedicated to an international distributor.   Taking place on Monday 1st October at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, the exclusive BBC Worldwide events will feature a masterclass, two panel sessions and drama premieres that will be open to attending industry and general public ... [Continua a leggere]

Family drama "Sister" enters Oscars race

Switzerland has submitted a contender for best foreign language film to the American Oscar awards: acclaimed French-Swiss director Ursula Meier’s latest work, “Sister”, is up for the Hollywood honour.

“Sister” tells the story of 12-year-old Simon who lives with his sister in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The two struggle to make ends meet, and Simon takes to stealing ski equipment from wealthy tourists and re-selling it to teens in the valley to make a meager living. The drama was recently honored at the Berlin Film Festival with a special runner-up Silver Bear award. Meier’s first feature film, “Home”, won the Swiss Film Prize for best film in 2009 and a French César nomination for best first film. “Home” was also entere ... [Continua a leggere]

Frank Spotnitz - writer and producer

Having worked on The X Files for eight years where he wrote or co-wrote forty episodes, Frank Spotnitz has amassed a colossal body of high profile work, also working on the associated shows Millennium and The Lone Gunmen alongside Harsh Realm and Night Stalker. His new show is Hunted, the explosive new drama from Kudos, the production company behind Spooks, Life on Mars, Hustle and Outcastsamong many others. On Friday 24th August, as part of the Media Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival, executive producer Alison Jackson, director SJ Clarkson and Frank attended a screening of the premiere episode at the Edinburgh Filmhouse where they spoke about the international flavour of their ambitious new show, the ambiguous morality of the characters, and the extensive casting search that led them to Melissa George. Afterwards in the bar, Frank was kind enough to spend a few minutes with Geek Chocolate to talk about Hunted and his work on the FBI's most unusual cases.

Geek Chocolate - Hunted is quite a departure for someone who is best known for work focused on the supernatural. It's very hard edged, it's global, cinematic, densely plotted, and it's all your work, all eight episodes. You must be very proud. What was the inspiration?Frank Spotnitz - Well, I wanted to do something in Europe, and I thought a spy series was something that I could do that would be British through and through, but that Americans would watch. The spy genre is actually my favourite genre. It's what I grew up watching, more than anything else, more than science fiction even, spy stu ... [Continua a leggere]

'The Fall': Gillian Anderson Returns To Investigative Roots (VIDEO)

Gillian Anderson is back at work investigating things on TV! This time, she's got a British accent, blonde hair and better fitting clothing (sorry, "X-Files") and she's teaming up with "The Good Wife's" Archie Panjabi for "The Fall." "The Fall" is the "X-Files," "The Good Wife" and "Once Upon a Time" crossover you dreamed about ... sort of. Anderson stars as Stella Gibson in "The Fall," a BBC2 drama about a serial killer and the investigator brought in to take him down, which also stars Panjabi and "Once Upon a Time's" Jamie Dornan. Allan Cubitt wrote the series. "'The Fall' is a unique, fo ... [Continua a leggere]

Television and Film: An Hour with Gillian Anderson

The crowd got to their feet as Gillian Anderson came out to start her panel in the Marriott Atrium ballroom Sunday afternoon. She started off the panel by assuring everyone she was not drunk during her panel on Saturday. That’s just how she is, she said. For the first half hour, Anderson answered questions from the moderator before taking questions from the audience. The conversation focused predominantly on the projects she currently has out or that will be out soon, including three movies, Shadow Dancer, Mr. Morgan’s Last Love, and Sister (L’enfant d’en haut). Ander ... [Continua a leggere]

2012 Outstanding Television Writer Award – Chris Carter

We’re proud to announce that this year’s Outstanding Television Writer Award recipient - The X-Files creator Chris Carter! Described by Time Magazine as a “televisionary,” Chris Carter created four ground-breaking television series for Fox: The X-Files, Millennium, Harsh Realm, and The Lone Gunmen. Carter is best known for his longest running series, the award-winning sci-fi drama The X-Files, which ran for nine seasons on Fox and spawned two feature films. He’s currently developing a new series for cable. Carter’s participation during the Conference ... [Continua a leggere]

AFF Honors Chris Carter, Announces First Wave

The Austin Film Festival announced today the first ten films of its 2012 lineup, as well as the selection of The X-Files creator Chris Carter as the recipient of the Outstanding Television Writer Award. When you consider previously announced events like Frankenweenie’s premiere at Fantastic Fest and Austin Comic Con’s reconvening of the Star Trek: Next Generation cast, fall’s shaping up mighty nice for Austin’s geekerati. Robert Zemeckis’ return to live-action drama, Flight, will serve as AFF’s Centerpiece Film (scroll down for the trailer; it’s a kno ... [Continua a leggere]

RomaFictionFest, ospite Gillian Anderson e le altre novità della nuova edizione

Ecco le prime indiscrezioni su cosa vedremo nella nuova edizione dell’evento dedicato alla fiction nostrana e internazionale

A quanto pare sia stato avvistato un U.F.O. nei pressi di Roma. Da quanto si dice sembra sia stata chiamata in causa, per risolvere il caso, addirittura l’agente Dana Scully. Scherzi a parte, in quel di Roma, secondo quanto riportato da Il Messaggero, sarà proprio Gillian Anderson, protagonista femminile di X-files, una delle star della nuova edizione del RomaFictionFest, che si svolgerà dal 30 settembre al 5 ottobre. L’attrice, in occasione del suo ritorno sul piccolo schermo nei panni di Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, sarà presente al festival per ritir ... [Continua a leggere]

RomaFictionFest, c'è Gillian Anderson indimenticabile agente Scully di X-Files

ROMA - Torna anche quest'anno il RomaFictionFest, la manifestazione dedicata alla grande fiction italiana e internazionale, promossa dalla Regione Lazio e dalla Camera di Commercio di Roma e organizzata da Sviluppo Lazio in collaborazione con APT (Associazione Produttori Televisivi) e che si svolgerà dal 30 settembre al 5 ottobre all'Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma. Ad inaugurare la VI edizione del Festival sarà l'anteprima dell'attesa miniserie Questo nostro amore prodotta da PayperMoon per RaiFiction. Con Anna Valle e Neri Marcorè, la fiction racconta la straordi ... [Continua a leggere]



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