Archivio Stampa 2016

Chris Carter on X-Files Season 11: “I have a plan”

Chris Carter on X-Files Season 10, William and the brilliance of Mitch Pileggi

It’s fair to say that The X-Files revival ended on a little bit of a cliffhanger. The imminent end of the world, to be exact, courtesy of an alien virus, and it left us anxious to see more from Mulder and Scully. Which is not to say that the six episode miniseries didn’t get a lot done. There was plenty of arc mythology, William was not only addressed but loomed over each and every episode, and we even got an all-time great comedy episode from Darin Morgan: ‘Mulder And Scully Meet The Were-Monster.’ We got the chance to talk to creator Chris Carter about his expe ... [Continua a leggere]

‘The X-Files’ Star Gillian Anderson on Why Hair Matters More than You Think

Every actor has their ways of getting into character, including the Emmy-winning television icon.

On the other end of the phone, near the end of our conversation, Gillian Anderson laughed. “Did you think that your entire interview was going to have to do with hair?” The answer was no, that had not been the plan. But the topic proved to be surprisingly insightful. Anderson has been called the Queen of TV upon multiple occasions — such as when, in 2014, she starred on three different series (“Crisis,” “The Fall” and “Hannibal”) while also turning in acclaimed work on the stage as the doomed Blanche of “A Streetcar Named Desire.&rd ... [Continua a leggere]

Monster Maker

The X-Files Lexicon's exclusive interview with Darin Morgan on 'Mulder and Scully Meet The Were Monster'

Conducted by Matt Allair in 06/09/2016 Page Editor: Liz Tray Along with James Wong and Glen Morgan, one of the other surprises when the new episodes were announced in March 2015, and the writing team revealed, was the addition of Darin Morgan to the new season. It was wonderful news, as Darin remains one of the most beloved figures of the original writers that laid the foundation for The X-Files, and many writers, especially Vince Gilligan, would emulate Darin’s unique and humorous approach to storytelling. While humor is a key to Darin’s writing, it isn’t cut and dried to ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files event series interview: creator Chris Carter

The X-Files creator Chris Carter chats to us about making more new episodes, Mulder and Scully's fan-appeal, and his favourite episode...

As The X-Files event series comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray in the UK, we chatted to creator Chris Carter about the response to the revived series, doing more episodes and looking back on his lengthy time on the show... Were you pleased with the way the revival series turned out? Yes, I’m very happy with the work, I’m proud of the work, and with the response to it, we had terrific ratings here in the US. It’s a big risk to come back to the show after 23 years, and do it with actors and directors and writers who are 23 years older, and hopefully the audience is still there. We ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter on Future X-Files: "I Can't Imagine There Wouldn't Be More"

Although last season ended big cliffhanger, X-Files fans are currently in the dark regarding the roll-out of future episodes. What's going to happen to Mulder and Scully? Is humanity doomed? Are there probes on that UFO?  IGN recently had the opportunity to chat Carter about the tonal evolution of his classic show, its legacy, and of course, his plans moving forward. IGN: I'll start with the most obvious question first. Are there going to be more episodes? Fox wants to do more. The ratings were good so there’s an appetite for more, I’m very pleased with the work that we did ... [Continua a leggere]

How technology changed ‘The X-Files,’ on-screen and off, according to its creator

Earlier this year, "The X-Files" got its chance at a reboot, with six new episodes filmed after fans campaigned to bring the show back. The new episodes were set 14 years after the series ended — mirroring the real world since the Fox series went off the air in 2002. But a lot has changed since then. How should Agents Mulder and Scully adjust to a brave new world of smartphones, streaming video and social media? Series creator Chris Carter, who was in Washington last month as part of the Smithsonian's "The Future is Here" festival, took some time to chat ab ... [Continua a leggere]

For Chris Carter, the Truth is Still Out There

The X-Files creator wants to believe.

Chris Carter is the creator of “The X-Files,” a fictional TV show that follows FBI special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully as they investigate the paranormal. Debuting in 1993, the series ran nine seasons, and critics and fans praised the show’s cinematic quality, the result of substantive scripts, thoughtful acting, advanced special effects, and multiple camera viewpoints. Indeed, the best episodes felt more like films than TV shows. On January 24, FOX began airing six new episodes, which ran through February 22. The closing scene of the final episode (Scully standing on ... [Continua a leggere]

Beautiful Minds: i geni delle serie TV. Chris Carter

Chris Carter ha cambiato la storia della TV, ha battuto ogni record d’ascolto e ha guadagnato l’affetto indelebile di milioni di telespettatori in tutto il mondo...

Californiano, appassionato di surf, appena laureato in giornalismo. E - assicura chi lo conobbe all’epoca - bello come il sole. Era la fine degli anni Ottanta e un giovane Chris Carter, classe 1956, aveva il mondo ai suoi piedi. Fresco di matrimonio con la sceneggiatrice Dori Pierson, che è ancora sua moglie, doveva solo scegliere come passare alla storia. Lo fece nel 1992, proponendo alla Twentieth Century Fox Television una nuova serie TV, ispirata dalla sua nota passione giovanile di telespettatore per Kolchak: The Night Stalker e per “la” serie: Ai ... [Continua a leggere]

Interview with X-Files Executive Producer Glen Morgan!

I am beyond thrilled to bring you this interview with Glen Morgan, a big part of the original X-Files creative team who returned as an executive producer for 2016’s season 10! Glen is a triple threat, really – writing, producing, and directing – and he wrote some of The X-Files’ most iconic episodes along with his partner in crime, Jim Wong. He brought us some great, creepy bad guys, like Eugene Victor Tooms (season 1’s “Squeeze” and “Tooms”) and Luther Lee Boggs (in “Beyond the Sea”), made us cry along with Mulder when Scully r ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files: The Mystery of William

Last week, I speculated a bit about the directions The X-Files might take in season 11 in terms of Mulder's illness, Reyes, the plague, and the Conspiracy. This week, I want to study the figure who is, literally, the key to everything. That figure is William, the son of Mulder and Scully. One of the reasons I so much admire this revival series is that it has been structured in such a way that it leads us to one inescapable conclusion: William is our savior. We see and register Dana's despair about losing William in episodes including "Founder's Mutation," and "Home Again," for example. In ... [Continua a leggere]

Annabeth Gish: "I Believe in Her... In Monica."

Last Saturday, after having a whole week to process the fandom’s reaction to “My Struggle II”, I sat down with Annabeth Gish to fangirl, I mean, talk… about the episode and the aftermath of such shocking revelations. Especially one that left the whole fandom in shock. Click after the jump for more. “What were your thoughts when Chris Carter came to you and presented what was to be Monica’s story?” I ask. “It was concerning to me when I first read it,” Annabeth begins. “But as an actress, you know, my job is to play the elements or ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter: "All of Your Questions Will be Answered."

When you hit such monumental season finales, there’s no other way to get answers to many questions than going to the source. It just so happens that when you’re looking for answers about The X-Files, the only source is Chris Carter. No biggie. Eleven months to the date that Season 10 got greenlit, I shared a conversation with him about the aftermath of the episode, the reactions and more.   “I’m still not quite sure what the reactions are.” He starts. “I heard people feel cheated but I’m not sure what they expect with The X-Files. I think they& ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files: My Struggle, Part II, or Outfoxed Again

Everything Mulder was told in 'My Struggle, Part I' was a lie. Colonization has begun. Tad O'Malley is a Syndicate Agent. The Old Man is a fraud. Cancer Man is an impostor. Scully is the new Cassandra Spender and everything was orchestrated to get her to create a vaccine using her alien DNA. William is the final key to creating the hybrid slave race, just as was prophesied. Scully will use his stem cells to perfect the vaccine. Everything is proceeding exactly as was first laid out in Season One with 'The Erlenmeyer Flask'. Do I have your attention yet? The X-Files miniseason is over but th ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files: "My Struggle II" (February 22, 2016 )

Scully (Gillian Anderson) is disturbed to arrive at the X-Files basement office one morning and find Mulder (David Duchovny) missing. When she checks his laptop, she sees that Mulder has been watching “Truth Squad” with Tad O’Malley (Joel McHale), a web program that has returned to broadcast after a six week hiatus. O’Malley reports that something sinister is occurring, nationwide. The conspiracy is on the move, through the use of a deadly contagion that will kill millions, while preserving only a handful of chosen survivors. Scully and Agent Einstein (Lauren A ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter on the X-Files finale: 'There's an appetite for more'

Was the Cigarette Smoking Man telling the truth?

“We’ve traditionally ended on a cliffhanger,” X-Files creator Chris Carter tells EW, “and this is as big a cliffhanger as we’ve ever done.” And how: The hit revival of Carter’s paranoia-chic supernatural saga ended with an apparent epidemic threatening to kill most of the human race, including Agent Mulder (David Duchovny) — and that was before a mysterious UFO appeared, with a spotlight pointed directly at Agent Scully (Gillian Anderson). We talked to Carter about what this could mean for The X-Files ’ future. ENTERTAINMENT WEEK ... [Continua a leggere]



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