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The writing and producing team of Glen Morgan and James Wong on helping define Carter’s vision

The writing and producing team of Glen Morgan and James Wong spent a year and a half on The X-Files before departing to create their own show for Fox (the upcoming Space: Above and Beyond), but during their time on staff they gave birth to some of the X-Files’ most memorable moments and characters. The Lone Gunmen, Tooms, Luther Lee Boggs, Skinner and William, Margaret and Melissa Scully are all Morgan and Wong creations. Their episodes also helped to define The X-Files as not just about UFOs and aliens, and they expanded the characters by developing their backstories and ... [Continua a leggere]


For Glen Morgan and James Wong, the truth isn’t out there. It’s in their word processors.

They lurk in the shadows, out of sight, silently watching to see if they can scare you, shock you and send you to bed with disturbing dreams. Could it be a case for those pursuers of the paranormal, The X-Files’ Fox Mulder and Dana Scully? Well, no. The lurkers are two guys from sunny San Diego, California – Glen Morgan and James Wong, scriptwriters and co-executive producers for the Fox Network’s The X-Files, and lying low, says Morgan, is just what he and Wong should be doing. “Writers belong in some dark corner, watching,” he says, paraphrasing n ... [Continua a leggere]

John Bartley shoots The X-Files on the edge of darkness

A lot of light can be needed to achieve darkness In one episode of The X-Files, a character’s shadow vaporises anyone it touches. Another character begins smoking when sunlight reaches into his jail cell. No one has to utter the word, the audience already knows it: vampire. That’s typical of how Director of Photography John Bartley CSC, talks to the audience with light and shadows. In many episodes, FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully probe the darkness with xenon flashlights. Somehow the brilliant splashes of light knifing through the blackness add to the aura ... [Continua a leggere]

His X-Cellent Adventure

X-Files Creator Chris Carter Revels In The Bizarre, From A(Liens) To Z(Ombies)

June 19, 1995 — Somehow it’s only fitting that Chris Carter, the 38-year-old creator and executive producer of Fox’s The X-Files, should be, well, slightly X-centric. Emerging from the sci-fi show’s Vancouver, B.C., office after another 18-hour day, the blond, 511″ Carter looks dazed in his wrinkled cotton shirt and faded jeans. The seven-day-a-week production grind, he says, is “hellish and grueling . . . like being chased by wild coyotes.” Or perhaps by werewolves, vampires, pyro-kinetic arsonists and shape-shifting aliens — the ... [Continua a leggere]

Official X-Files Web Site launched by Delphi Internet(TM); Web Site

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 13, 1995--Focusing on the creation of imaginative and interactive content tied to the launch of its new online service in the fall of this year, Delphi Internet Services Corporation in collaboration with sister News Corporation company, Fox Broadcasting Company, has launched the official "X-Files" Web site. The site, which previewed at the first official "X-Files" convention in San Diego on June 11, can now be accessed by the public via the Delphi Internet home page at "The `X-Files' Special Interest Group on the current Delphi Internet s ... [Continua a leggere]

Alien Sex Fiends

Rolling Stone (Australia), 1995. Rock and Roll Yearbook. An Interview with Chris Carter

AD: When the X-files was being developed, was it one of 30 ideas in your top drawer? CC: It was my top idea actually, something I had wanted to do for a long time. It was inspired by a show that was on when I was a teenager called the Night Stalker. So I had almost 25 years to contemplate that or refresh those memories. I loved the show and wanted to do a show as scary as that one. AD: Was it the scariness that you were trying to recreate or was it that lurking sense of paranoia? CC: Both those things. I wanted to scare people first and foremost. AD: It’s the first mass ent ... [Continua a leggere]


North Shore Film Studios, Vancouver Nord, Canada. La linea d’ombra passa da queste parti. Ma cosa avrà a che fare una tranquilla e boscosa città in perfetto stile americano con le vertigini senza fine, le aperture verso mondi paralleli o la metà oscura che alberga in ciascuno di noi? Insomma, con tutto l’armamentario irrazional-immaginifico di “X-files”, il telefilm più in voga del momento? Le cime innevate delle montagne racchiudono Vancouver in uno scenario da cartolina, ma qui la realtà può solo virare verso l’orrore a ... [Continua a leggere]

Amo il sole, le acciughe e Krizia

Conquistata dalla personalità e dallo sguardo “forte ed essenziale” dell’agente Scully di “X-files”, Mariuccia Mandelli l’ha invitata alle sue passerelle milanesi.

“Dell’Italia amo il sole, le acciughe e Krizia”. L’ha detto qualche mese fa in visita nel nostro Paese e si è ritrovata ospite in prima fila alle sfilate della sua stilista preferita, coccolata come una ragazzina stupita, schiva ma anche divertita per tanta improvvisa attenzione. Gillian Anderson, la superefficiente agente Scully della serie cult “X-files”, in onda la domenica sera su Italia 1, forse non ha ancora realizzato fino in fondo quanto sia diventata famosa. All’inizio del ’93 si guadagnava da vivere come cameriera in un bar e lot ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files, Chris Carter

Chris Carter, the executive producer and creator of The X-Files, has flown up from Los Angeles for a set visit, as he does every 10 days or so. “I do some of my best writing up here,” Carter says of his Vancouver visits. “It takes me away from the post-production process, which takes most of my concentration away, and on the weekends the phone doesn’t ring here.” Carter, 38, is at the stage in his career when many producers get lured away from such intense devotion to the show. Two years into a successful project such at The X-Files, producers are typically aske ... [Continua a leggere]

X-citement grows for hot TV show

Somewhere, out there in the spooky darkness, they’re cloning by the thousands. For most of the week, these creatures, called “X”-Philes, look much like any other average humanoid, in California, Chicago or New York. But that’s just a front. In secret these closet aliens feed their heads with UFO sightings, supernatural powers, psychic phenomena and the like. And every Friday at 9 p.m. ET (on Global in Toronto) they congregate behind closed doors in homes across the United States and Canada for ritual viewing of The X-Files, the sizzling hot, paranormal-skewed Fox TV s ... [Continua a leggere]

The Truth Is X-ed Out There

TV: Spooky, lovable ‘X-Files’ captures Friday night

By Barbara Kantrowitz and Adam Rogers - She’s the skeptic, always looking for a scientific explanation for the seemingly irrational. He’s the believer, willing to accept the concept that some things defy conventional analysis. In their second season on Fox, FBI Special Agents Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) have turned their weekly investigations of the FBI’s creepiest unsolved cases “The X-Files” into the top show on Friday night for 18-to-49-year-olds, with a loyal base of fans around the world (broadcast rights have been sold in 5 ... [Continua a leggere]

Xploring the Paranormal

Now in its second season, Chris Carter’s X-Files brings viewers into the realm of extreme possibilities – and tries its best to scare the pants off of them. If you like your television programming on the scary side, chances are you’re already watching “X-Files.” Thousands of self-proclaimed “X-Philes” are already addicted to the Friday night episodic whose main goal is to produce a serious case of the willies. Produced by Twentieth Television in association with Fox Broadcasting Company, X-Files, now in its second season, chronicles the adventures of ... [Continua a leggere]

A conversation with The X-Files’ creator Chris Carter

“Now that Russia is no longer our very recognizable enemy, we suddenly need to find other enemies and other sources of discontent. That’s when we start looking to the skies….” — Chris Carter What are the X-Files? “Everything and anything from weird science to paranormal phenomena to genetic mutations to alien hybrids. Basically,” says Chris Carter, creator and executive producer of the Fox TV series, “we know an X-File when we see it.” The X-Files chronicles the exploits of two federal agents, Dana Scully and Fox “Spooky” Mu ... [Continua a leggere]

A Surreal ‘X-Files’ Captures Earthlings! Poltergeists, Space Aliens and Mutants Feed Show’s Hold on Younger Audience

VANCOUVER, B.C. – Deep in an industrial district here, the dank interior of a closed-down nightclub has been gutted and refitted with black plastic, chain link and neon lights for an episode of Fox’s sexy, surreal TV series, “The X-Files.” Detached mannequin limbs protrude from darkened walls to create disturbing images. The seedy, smoke-filled space is supposed to resemble a Hollywood Boulevard nightclub–the hangout for a contemporary coven of grunge vampires. These creatures of the night fall under the purview of the X-Files, which are the dumping ground for un ... [Continua a leggere]

Creepy, Smart “X-Files” Inspires A Cult Following

This must be it. Monday morning. Los Angeles. The 20th Century Fox lot. A little bungalow in the corner. Unmarked, hard to find. One of the writers here is leaving for the day: A mysterious computer virus has invaded his machine, nobody can track it down. A casting director enters. Says one of his two dogs inexplicably disappeared from his locked house over the week-end, then reappeared at the back door 36 hours later. Yeah, it makes sense that this is where they put together “The X-Files”. The Friday night show is Fox TV’s underhyped successor to “The Outer Limits,&rd ... [Continua a leggere]



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