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La video storia di X-Files: il reverendo Orison e la fede di Scully

Mulder interrompe bruscamente Scully mentre parla di fede e di religione con il reverendo Orison, la guest star Scott Wilson (Hershel in The Walking Dead).

Nuovo “incrocio” fra X-Files e The Walking Dead: dopo l’incontro con Marita Cuvarrubias (Laurie Holden, Andrea in The Walking Dead), eccoci al cospetto del grande Scott Wilson (l'indimenticabile Hershel Greene nella serie tratta dal fumetto di Robert Kirkman). L’episodio è Orison e la sequenza in questione è quella in cui Scully va in ospedale a trovare il reverendo Orison (per sottolineare la sua importanza, il suo nome ha dato il titolo all’episodio). Ne nasce una delicata e interessante discussione sulla questione della religione. L’arrivo ... [Continua a leggere]

La video storia di X-Files: Mulder, Scully e il bacio del Millennio

l primo bacio fra Mulder e Scully arriva insieme al nuovo Millennio. E a un crossover indimenticabile con Millennium, la serie creata da Chris Carter dopo X-Files.

Ci sono baci e baci, in tv. Quelli attesi per sette lunghissimi, infiniti anni sono rari. “Il” bacio fra Mulder e Scully è stato oggetto di discussione per settimane. Qualcuno l’ha trovato troppo poco passionale, altri invece l’hanno definito il perfetto simbolo del romanticismo di una storia che ha girato intorno al punto per anni. Perché il punto, in effetti, è uno solo: Mulder e Scully si sono innamorati. La fede e la scienza hanno trovato un punto di contatto e hanno dato vita all’ideale di un essere perfetto, che riassume le p ... [Continua a leggere]

La video storia di X-Files: Mulder internato, sull'orlo della follia

Fox Mulder è in ospedale, in isolamento, in una stanza con le pareti imbottite. Ma non è impazzito: è stato infettato. E solo Walter Skinner può aiutarlo...

Le battute, per i primi 6 anni di X-Files, si sono sprecate: innumerevoli i personaggi che hanno dato del pazzo a Fox Mulder. E che finisse in una stanza imbottita, internato, alla fine era prevedibile. Ancora una volta, però, la prima impressione ci trae in inganno. In questo video tratto dalla prima parte del doppio episodio che apre la settima stagione (La sesta estinzione), Mulder aggredisce Skinner. Sembra determinato a fargli del male, senza alcun motivo apparente. Invece ha uno scopo: fargli arrivare un messaggio. Chiedere aiuto a una delle poche persone che sa che non è ... [Continua a leggere]

Kiss and Tell

Sorry, `X-Files’ fans, the producer promises the latest Mulder-Scully lip-lock is just a tease

In a way, it’s too bad Sunday’s episode of Fox’s “The X-Files” is getting more attention for what happens near the end than it does for its plot. The paranormal series is giving a final send-off to its sort-of-sister “Millennium,” producer Chris Carter’s moody, dark show about visionary ex-FBI profiler Frank Black’s (Lance Henriksen) battle against a shadowy organization near the end of the century. Airing at 8 p.m. on WFLD-Ch. 32, the episode ties up loose ends from the 1996-99 series, which was canceled in May. One of those ... [Continua a leggere]

Is the Future Out There?

“The X-Files” has become the X factor for a struggling Fox.

Poor, poor Fox. Imagine the painful musings that are now going through executives’ heads: “No one is watching us … no one is watching us.” The mantra has picked up in recent days. No matter what we do, what we put on (with the exception of “Ally McBeal’s” premiere) the song remains the same. No one is watching Fox. And no one knows exactly why. The numbers tell a particularly brutal tale. Last week – with the World Series airing Tuesday and Wednesday – virtually all Fox’ shows drew under a 10 percent audience share. The ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter: Facing ‘X’ Factor

As ‘The X-Files’ prepares for the launch of its seventh season this weekend on Fox, there is continuing drama over the series’ uncertain future.

“The X-Files” returns Sunday on Fox for its seventh season, scaring and mystifying viewers with its tales of the paranormal and the unexplainable. But though he knows how the cliffhanger that launches the season premiere turns out, the ultimate truth is still out there for the show’s creator, Chris Carter. That is, whether this season will be the end of the line for Carter and stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson–and the show itself. The contracts for Carter and Duchovny, who plays FBI Agent Fox Mulder, are both up this season. And Anderson, who portr ... [Continua a leggere]

TV Notes

Stranger Than…

Chris Carter, the creator of “The X-Files” is used to dealing in strange realities; this season he has created another in the new series “Harsh Realm,” which has its premiere this Friday night at 9. So if any producer could deal with the strangeness of working on a show with a star, David Duchovny, who is suing his network, and who, in his suit, accused Mr. Carter of accepting “hush money,” it is probably the man who made millions of viewers try to figure out the “mythology” of “The X-Files.” In a telephone news conferen ... [Continua a leggere]

The Next Files

X-Files Magazine: How does it feel to begin work on the much rumored final season? Spotnitz: Every story feels like it’s got a lot of weight attached to it because they may be the last 22. We’re being careful about what stories we choose to tell. One of the very first things we did was sit down and talk about all of our major characters and where they’re going to go and how they’re going to end. Where’s Skinner going to end up? Where’s Krycek going to end up? What’s the last image you’ll see of CSM? It’s a little sad actually ... [Continua a leggere]

Going Hungry

In season seven’s first stand-alone, Vince Gilligan tells the tale of a monster’s tragic eating disorder. Vince Gilligan has everyone fooled. The X-Files writer/co-executive producer best known for quirky episodes like Seasons Four’s “Small Potatoes” and Season Five’s “Bad Blood” projects an unmistakable Southern charm; in person, he is amiable, easy-going, good-natured. But lurking somewhere deep within his psyche is a villainous imp. There must be. There’s simply no other explanation for how someone so unassuming could send ... [Continua a leggere]

[X-Files and Harsh Realm]

X-Files creator Chris Carter talks in vague terms about Harsh Realm and still finding time to finish X-File-ing the show’s seventh and rumored final season

As if TV and movies aren’t far enough removed from reality, this year’s release of The Matrix, the Spanish feature Open Your Eyes and now Chris Carter’s television series Harsh Realm are celebrating the potential of virtual reality, a world that exists only in our mind’s eye and in some computer drive somewhere. It’s a topic that TV has tackled before (anybody remember VR5?), but until now virtual reality has been a place where the average television viewer hasn’t been interested enough to go to. But when the creator of Fox Television’s ... [Continua a leggere]

Cinescape’s Season Seven Interview with Frank Spotnitz

It seems like just yesterday that The X-Files was the little cult show that could. But now the successful series is heading into its seventh-and likely final-season. And although the series isn’t quite the media hype magnet it once was, in many ways the show is still on top of its game. “It’s like a marriage,” says X-Files executive producer Frank Spotnitz. “We have been around for six years and people know us. It becomes harder to surprise people, but we just keep doing the same hard work we’ve always done and try and deliver the best quality ... [Continua a leggere]

Future of ‘X-Files’ is uncertain

AFTER six years on the air, the future of the “X-Files” is still cloudy.

When the show begins its seventh season on Nov. 7, it may be the beginning of the end for the long-running series about two FBI agents who specialize in investigating the paranormal. Ever since David Duchovny – who plays one of the two FBI agents – announced last summer that he wanted to leave the show when his contract expired at the end of this year, the show’s eighth season has been in jeopardy. Creator Chris Carter’s contract with the show is also expiring this year. Now there has even been talk that his co-star, Gillian Anderson, wants to leave &nda ... [Continua a leggere]

The ABCs of ‘X’

Neither of the show’s two main stars have returned yet. David Duchovny, who plays Fox Mulder with a deadpan aplomb, is due to return first, and his Emmy nominated co-star Gillian Anderson, who plays the scientific and pragmatic Dana Scully, returns the following week; both spent the summer hiatus filming feature films (Return To Me and House Of Mirth, respectively). But you can already feel the energy as the crew gears up for a new season. For the moment filming is limited to a scene in a psychiatrist’s office, an otherwise ordinary looking set with perfectly slanted ... [Continua a leggere]

Executive producer Frank Spotnitz looks to the future of The X-Files

Two FBI agents, Mulder and Scully, were introduced to the airwaves in 1993 with little fanfare and virtually no expectations. The same can’t be said six years later. Expectations for The X-Files are as high as ever, even as outside dramas swirl around the series (a pending lawsuit against Twentieth Century Fox brought by star David Duchovny; the cancellation of series creator Chris Carter’s new show, Harsh Realm; uncertainty whether or not there will be an eighth season).While the long-term future of The X-Files and its intrepid agents (played by Duchovny and Gillia ... [Continua a leggere]



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