Exclusive: Chris Carter at SDCC 2013


This year will mark the 20th anniversary of the premiere of The X-Files. One of the seminal sci-fi / horror shows on television, The X-Files aired for nine seasons on Fox - I know that it was one of the the most influential television shows of my childhood. Twenty years later, and an X-Files reunion panel featuring series creator Chris Carter and stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny still packs Ballroom 20 at San Diego Comic Con.

I was not able to attend the panel this year, but I did get to sit down with Carter before the panel. In this exclusive video, we chat about The X-Files' legacy, what an anomaly it was at the time, and how David Duchovny almost wasn't in the show.
- See more at: http://www.fearnet.com/news/interview/exclusive-video-chris-carter-reflects-x-files#sthash.tAcZs6HY.dpuf

Link Video: http://bcove.me/0h0mr5dc
Sito / Canale video di Alyse Wax: http://www.fearnet.com/news/interview/exclusive-video-chris-carter-reflects-x-files

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