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Comic-Con 2013: Mulder e Scully di nuovo insieme in un terzo film di X-Files?

Durante il panel dedicato al 20esimo anniversario della serie di Chris Carter, si è parlato del futuro della serie cult

Sono già passati 20 anni da quando abbiamo visto gli agenti Fox Mulder e Dana Scully alle prese con il loro primo caso. X-Files è stata una delle serie più importanti degli anni Novanta, entrata nella memoria collettiva del pubblico come solo i cult sanno fare. In occasione del 20esimo anniversario dello show creato da Chris Carter, al Comic-Con di San Diego si è tenuto un panel ad hoc, a cui hanno partecipato Carter stesso, i protagonisti David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson e gli sceneggiatori Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, John Shiban, James Wong, Davi ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files alla Comic-Con: Un nuovo film? Anderson e Duchovny ci stanno

Venti anni dopo il primo episodio (undici dopo il finale), X-Files è ancora tra noi. Serie come Grimm, Hannibal, Supernatural, Fringe e Occult ci ricordano ogni giorno quanto Chris Carter sia stato rivoluzionario per la tv. Poche ore fa, lui e gran parte dei suoi ex colleghi – incluse le star David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson – si sono riuniti alla Comic-Con di San Diego per celebrare una delle serie di fantascienza più amate di sempre, e ragionare sulla possibilità di rivitalizzare il format in qualche maniera. Inevitabile infatti la domanda sulla produzione ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Have X-Files Reunion at Comic-Con

Like the truth, is another sequel out there? Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny, the stars of TV's The X-Files and its two hit film sequels, certainly hinted at that possibility on Thursday at Comic-Con in San Diego. Delighting fans who came to celebrate the show's 20th anniversary, Anderson, 44, said she would not be interested in doing the series again but added – to a roar of audience approval – that "a film would be great." The chemistry between the stars was on full display at Comic-Con. When Duchovny wondered aloud whether their characters ever had sex, Anderson said, "Well, ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny 'X-Files' reunion - pictures

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny reunited as Mulder and Scully at a special Comic-Con X-Filespanel yesterday (July 18).

The duo, who found fame as FBI agents in the cult sci-fi series, celebrated the show's 20th birthday alongside creators and writers Chris Carter, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon and John Shiban at the fan convention in San Diego.Duchovny and Anderson both declared an interest in bringing Mulder and Scully back for another big screen outing, while showrunner Carter said that seeing the fan response at Comic-Con was inspiring."You need a reason to get excited about doing it again… and this [crowd response] is very exciting," said Carter The lead actors both joked about the fan inte ... [Continua a leggere]

SDCC 2013: Chris Carter Approves Of Gillian Anderson’s Breasts

And more news from THE X-FILES Season 10 panel.

As you probably already know, IDW has begun publishing The X-Files: Season 10 comic book series, written by Joe Harris with Chris Carter's full cooperation. Today I sat in a panel with Harris, Carter, Gillian Anderson, illustrator Joe Corroney, and IDW execs Chris Ryall and Denton Tipon. Yeah, no Duchovny, but Anderson was cool and funny enough for both of them. She has a very laidback, hip way about her. "Y’all, come to the booth where I’m signing shit. Come say hi and buy some stuff!” I love her. The panel was moderated by Dean Haglund, who played good ol' Ringo. Haglund's ... [Continua a leggere]

SDCC 2013: 'The X-Files' Panel - The Sex Lives Of Mulder And Scully, And (Maybe) Movie News

I want to believe in a third "X-Files" movie but the truth is not out there … yet. At one of the most anticipated panels of San Diego Comic-Con, stars Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, creator Chris Carter, writers Vince Gilligan ("Breaking Bad") and Howard Gordon ("Homeland") and a gaggle of other show scribes gathered for TV Guide Magazine's 20th Anniversary reunion panel on Thursday. With a spooky Mulder-appropriate entrance, Duchovny and Anderson entered the panel in darkness, shining flashlights around as they made their way to the rest of the awaiting panelists and moderator Mich ... [Continua a leggere]

Comic-Con Day One Recap: 'X-Files,' 'Game of Thrones' and 'Dexter'

Stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson and writers revisit their groundbreaking series

During its heyday, The X-Files could be a truly frightening show. Airing from 1993 to 2002, the groundbreaking sci-fi series found FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating all manner of ghouls, monsters and aliens, all the while digging into a vast government conspiracy that would give any little kid nightmares. But for all of the show's intense subject matter, X-Files stars David Duchovny (playing the true believer Mulder) and Gillian Anderson (the more science-minded Scully) also had plenty of funny moments. And their famous comedic chemistry was on full display at San Diego's Co ... [Continua a leggere]

Comic-Con 2013 : The X-Files : Anniversary Panel

Never, in my… 8 hours at Comic-Con… have I seen a more packed-panel. The cast and crew of ’90s TV sensation “The X-Files” came together to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary, and work some rather frenzied fans into frighteningly excited states, in a panel in Ballroom 20. Proceedings kicked off with introductions of the behind-the-scenes crew, namely creator Chris Carter, before the screens opened and we saw a glimpse of the show’s opener. Then, out of the black, came David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, waving their torches about – just li ... [Continua a leggere]

'X-Files' fans show devotion at 20th anniversary panel

Stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson visited memory lane at Comic-Con panel.

SAN DIEGO -- It's been 20 years since Fox's The X-Files opened the door to a new era of TV science fiction, merging scary monster investigations with a deep, ongoing mythology rooted in conspiracy theory. Fans at Comic-Con celebrated the series today with a 20th anniversary panel featuring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, who played FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. The former was a believer in the paranormal, the latter a skeptic, and together they made up a law-enforcement odd couple that mesmerized the popular culture. The hit series also was one of the shows that helped put a th ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files 20th Anniversary Blogging: "War of the Coprophages" (January 5, 1996)

Writer Darin Morgan returns to The X-Files (1993 - 2002) with "The War of the Coprophages," another humorous installment that gazes at humanity with unblinking and unromantic eyes. In particular, the story involves the “insect mind” as it relates to cockroaches. However, “The War of the Coprophages” also compares the relative purity and simplicity of the insect mind to the “over-developed” human mind, a biological machine which permits for non-useful responses or “reactions” to threats; responses such as paranoia or hysteria, for example. These ... [Continua a leggere]

Comic-Con 2013: 'X-Files' reunion reveals Mulder and Scully sex jokes, 'Breaking Bad' connections and the lost Drew Barrymore episode

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully (or, if you insist, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson) reunited at Comic-Con for the 20th Anniversary of "The X-Files." Judging by the hero's welcome they both received, FOX's landmark sci-fi series still has a rabid fanbase over a decade after leaving the air.Anderson, Duchovny and creator Chris Carter headlined the panel discussion along with key producers including Vince Gilligan ("Breaking Bad") and Howard Gordon ("Homeland"). The topics ranged from classic "X-Files" episodes (including the chilling "Home" and kooky "Jose Chung's From Outer Space") to the show' ... [Continua a leggere]

#SDCC 2013: X-Files 20th Anniversary Panel Highlights

TV Guide celebrated the 20th anniversary of "The X-Files" at San Diego Comic-Con, and we have all the highlights from the panel right here for you! The truth is in here! Any possibility of a limited TV series like what they're doing with "24"? Gillian Anderson said she's not interested in that, but "a film would be great." The Season 10 comic has been blessed by Chris Carter, but he said it's "more comic book-y" than the series and has "its own mythology." Vince Gilligan mentioned how meeting/working with Bryan Cranston on the "Drive" episode in Season 6 resulted in the creation of "Breakin ... [Continua a leggere]

Comic-Con: Gillian Anderson Wishes Mulder and Scully Had Gotten It on a Lot Sooner

"I didn't realize Mulder was so cool until a few years later. Then I thought, 'Damn. Shoulda gone there sooner … ' Was I supposed to contain myself?" And with that, a fiesty Gillian Anderson set the 20th Anniversary X-Files panel Thursday ablaze. It's been two decades since FBI Special Agents Mulder and Scully first teamed up to investigate unsolved paranormal cases, but shippers never say die! So began a series of not-so-coy inquiries to the reunited Anderson and David Duchovny, who walked on to the darkened stage together bearing flashlights. First up: Mulder and Scully sex &md ... [Continua a leggere]

'X-Files' creator, writers, and stars reunite at Comic-Con for show's 20th anniversary

At Comic-Con, a 20th anniversary inspires nostalgia and thoughts of the future

It sounds like the cast and crew of The X-Files are itching to make that third movie. Creator Chris Carter, stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, and seven of the show's writers reunited today for a panel at Comic-Con to celebrate the paranormal series' 20th anniversary in front of a massive audience of fans. The discussion ranged from the possibility of a new movie, to why Duchovny and Anderson never worked together again (Duchovny feels their X-Files relationship is too special), to Mulder and Scully's lost sex tape (a joke, we think). There were no shortage of fans wearing T-shirts fr ... [Continua a leggere]

'The X-Files' Reunion At Comic-Con: Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny On Sex, A Third Movie And More

"The X-Files" reunion at Comic-Con International was easily one of the most anticipated events of the 2013 convention and for fans of the late Fox series, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, stars Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully), David Duchovny (Fox Mulder), creator Chris Carter and writers/producers Howard Gordon (who went on to co-develop "Homeland"), Vince Gilligan (who created "Breaking Bad") and more did not disappoint. Duchovny and Anderson kicked off "The X-Files" reunion at Comic-Con by "playing" Mulder and Scully again: They came out on stage with flashlights, much to the delig ... [Continua a leggere]



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