Archivio Stampa 1996

Stretching as an actor

Panic struck America’s Fox Network when heavy-weight boxing champion Mike Tyson broke his thumb and cancelled a match scheduled for last November 4th. What should be substituted for the highly publicized fight? EUGENE VICTOR TOOMS to the rescue! A liver-gobbling genetic mutant even Tyson would be loathe to race, he remains, two years after his appearance in The X’-Files episodes, “Squeeze” and “Tooms”, one of the show’s most popular monsters. With a two hour hole in the schedule, the network reached into its storage cabinet and offered up ... [Continua a leggere]

'X FILES', fenomeno anche in cassetta

MILANO - Con sessantamila prenotazioni nei negozi, è già un successo la prima videocassetta di X-Files. Per il lancio del primo titolo, The Unopened File, la Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Italia ha deciso di solleticare le passioni collezionistiche dei fan, organizzando per il 3 aprile, alle Messaggerie Musicali di Milano e Roma, due serate X-Files. In vendita le prime mille videocassette numerate, poi gadget e simulazione di una "scena del crimine". Tutto il possibile, insomma, per alimentare il fenomeno nato attorno al serial e ai suoi due protagonisti, gli agenti Fo ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files writer in chills business

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Chris Carter, creator of The X-Files and TV’s reigning horror merchant, has the rapt attention of his writing staff as he describes a vivid little scene. A man sits in front of his TV set. In the attic above him, a rotting corpse silently begins to shed the vermin that infest it. “They crawl down into the ceiling … and it’s drip, drip,” Carter intones. “The maggots are dripping into my den.” This, it turns out, is no X-Files plot; it’s Carter’s own tale of a dead rat in his house. Yuck, says a visitor. O ... [Continua a leggere]

'X-Files' ritorna alle origini

ROMA - Doveva ricominciare a metà marzo la serie di X-Files e invece Italia 1 ha deciso di anticipare la programmazione di questo telefilm 'fanta-cult' che riprenderà stasera alle 20.30. Una decisione presa di volata in seguito all'insuccesso di un altro serial, Il segno dello Scorpione, firmato dal 're del mistery' Stephen King, ma che ha avuto un'audience non insufficiente a mantenere la prima serata domenicale (mai più del 7 per cento di share). E l'ultima puntata dello Scorpione andrà in onda venerdì 8 alle 23.30 mentre X-Files torna stasera per la gioia ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter’s X-File agenda

Hit Show’s Creator a Skeptic, Just Wants to Scare People. The man behind the “X”

A small boy reaches high for the microphone and asks “X-Files” creator Chris Carter how he came up with the idea for the television show about two FBI agents who work with cases that often involve eerie incidents of the paranormal. “There was a show on when I was a kid called ‘The Night Stalker’ that I wanted to watch forever,” Carter tells the boy, one of 2,500 fans who’ve shown up to see him at an “X-Files” convention held at the Masonic auditorium in San Francisco [on Feb 11]. “Since there were only 18 episod ... [Continua a leggere]

I cannibali inediti di 'X FILES'

TORNA per un sera soltanto il telefim-cult 'X Files'. 'La nostra città' è il titolo dell'episodio inedito che Italia 1 trasmetterà stasera alle 20.30. "Dopo numerose richieste" spiega Carlo Vetrugno, direttore di Italia 1 "abbiamo pensato di regalare a tutti i fan un episodio inedito del serial-evento di quest' anno. Purtroppo è l'ultimo che abbiamo in magazzino. Ma gli oltre quattro milioni che ogni domenica seguono le vicende della coppia di investigatori paranormali, non disperino: dal 17 marzo, Italia 1 trasmetterà ogni domenica alle 20.30 i primi casi af ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter Interview

How did the episode I visited turn out? Revelations, it was called. It actually turned out really well. It was one of the favorite episodes this year. You were locked up writing last week when we were supposed to talk. I think every week it’s safe to say I’m locked up writing. How much of the series are you doing? I have my name on seven of the first 15 for this year. And I do a fair amount of rewriting past that. So I do, I would say, more than the lion’s share. Is writing the heart of the job for you? It is. Everything springs from that but there are numerou ... [Continua a leggere]



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