Archivio Stampa Eerie Digest (USA)

TAEM interview with actor William B. Davis

TAEM- The Arts and Entertainment Magazine is highly honored to be able to present actor William B. Davis to all of our readers. William has had a long and outstanding career in television, theater and film, and is best known as ‘The Cigarette Man’ in the popular television series, ‘X-Files’.

TAEM- William, your latest endeavor involves the memoirs that you have written. Please tell us about the book, it’s publisher, and where our readership can find it. WBD-The book is called ‘Where There’s Smoke …. The Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man’, and frankly, it’s the story of my life. It’s a pretty unusual life which I tell with candor and humor – from radio drama in the early fifties to The X-Files. I have been delighted with the response to the book. People will have different interests – whether it’s the history or ... [Continua a leggere]



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