Archivio Stampa Seattle Times (USA)

Man behind The X-Files exhibits same stoic calm as his characters

In The X-Files movie, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully get attacked by bees, bad guys and some serious bio-hazards, but their voices rarely rise above the pitch of faraway freeway traffic. They must get it from their boss, creator and principal writer of The X-Files, Chris Carter. On the phone, Carter sounds as implacable as his stoic main characters. That’s quite a feat, as The X-Files movie was a gamble in many respects, and as dicey a deal as the television show ever was. (It’s made a respectable $55 million to date.) The film takes off from the fifth season’s fina ... [Continua a leggere]

Inside ‘The X-Files’

VANCOUVER, B.C. – So this is where sewer monsters lurk. Vampires, too. Not to mention aliens, mutants and – scariest of all – shadowy government figures. Here is where FBI Special Agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder chase down the bizarre, the grotesque and the sinister in an ever-frustrated attempt to uncover The Truth about paranormal phenomena and government conspiracies. “Here,” of course, doesn’t really exist. Except in the surreal parallel world of television. And in the minds of millions of fans worldwide who have turned “The X-Files ... [Continua a leggere]



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