Archivio Stampa Howard Gordon

X Files, al Comic Con 2013 panel del ventennale con Chris Carter, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson e altri

Era il 10 settembre di 20 anni fa quando FOX americana trasmetteva la prima puntata di X Files, serie ancora nei nostri cuori che quest’anno – precisamente il 18 luglio alle 3.30 americane, nella Ballroom 20 – sarà onorata al Comic Con di San Diego con una speciale reunion che vedrà protagonisti David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson. La presenza degli ‘ex’ Mulder e Scully è stato rivelata poche ore fa, mentre già da qualche giorno si sapeva che all’incontro organizzato da TV Guide avrebbero partecipato il creatore Chris Carter e ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson to reunite 'X-Files' at Comic-Con

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will be reunited at the special X-Files 20th anniversary event at Comic-Con, it has been confirmedThe Mulder and Scully duo will both appear alongside show creator Chris Carter and writers David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban and Jim Wong at the fan convention on Thursday, July 18. Duchovny is the latest star from the series to confirm his attendance at the panel, which is expected to be one of the biggest draws at this year's Comic-Con.The X-Files was a worldwide hit in the '90s and early '00s, running for nine ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny sarà alla reunion di X-Files al Comic-Con

L'attore ha accettato di far parte dell'evento in occasione del ventesimo anniversario dello show

David Duchovny ha ufficialmente accettato di partecipare al panel del Comic-Con di San Diego, in occasione del ventesimo anniversario di X-Files. Secondo quanto riportato da Tvline, l’evento, che si terrà giovedì 18 luglio, riunirà l’attore che ha interpretato Fox Mulder, Gillian Anderson, il creatore Chris Carter e i produttori e sceneggiatori David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban e Jim Wong. L’attore, ultimamente impegnato in Californication, è stato sempre legato al ruolo di Fox Mulder, tanto da dic ... [Continua a leggere]

Un panel per il ventesimo anniversario di X-Files al Comic-Con

Se siete fan di X-Files e non avete deciso ancora dove andare in vacanza quest’estate, poche altre destinazioni potrebbero battere San Diego. Durante la cornice del prossimo Comic-Con, la città californiana ospiterà un evento per celebrare il ventesimo anniversario della serie di fantascienza più famosa e amata di sempre. Il panel sì terrà giovedì 18 luglio e coinvolgerà l’ideatore Chris Carter e gli sceneggiatori/produttori David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban e Jim Wong. Anche se non c ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files festeggerà il 20esimo anniversario al Comic-Con

In vista del 20esimo anniversario, che cade il 10 settembre 2013, quest’anno anche X-Files avrà un panel al Comic-Con, per l’occasione moderato da TvGuide. L’evento si terrà giovedì 18 luglio e vedrà coinvolti il creatore Chris Carter assieme agli sceneggiatori e produttori David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban e Jim Wong. Il sito ufficiale di Gillian Anderson riporta che l’ex protagonista della serie sarà presente, anche se nella lista di TvGuide, al momento, il suo nome e quello di David ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files 20th Anniversary Reunion Panel Set for Comic-Con

The truth is still out there...

It’s hard to believe, but The X-Files premiered 20 years ago this September. As it turns out, to celebrate the show reaching this milestone, there will be a big reunion panel next month at San Diego Comic-Con. gave us the heads up about The X-Files reunion, noting that the latest issue of TV Guide Magazine has an ad for the panel, which will take place on Thursday, July 18th and will feature series creator Chris Carter and writer/producers David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban and Jim Wong. The X-Files’ writers have been a ... [Continua a leggere]

How to Spot The X-Files in Homeland, Breaking Bad, and American Horror Story

A woman weeps when she discovers the husband she thought died years ago in combat overseas is actually alive; she has mourned him and remarried. What now? A female agent weaves her way through a crowd at a political rally, desperately tracking an ex-soldier she thinks is about to open fire on government and military officials. A veteran, disillusioned with the military (which he believes betrayed him), hides in plain sight while planning a series a high-level assassinations. It sure sounds like Homeland. But those are scenes from "Unrequited," a season-four episode of The X-Files &m ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files Fight the Past and Future

Paley Fest: IGN attends a reunion of some of the most important creators from the seminal show.

The Los Angeles branch of the Paley Center for Media is currently conducting their annual William S. Paley Television Festival, AKA Paley Fest. This two-week event spotlights a group of noteworthy television series and television luminaries, with each night devoted to a different show or person. Be sure to check out the rest of IGN TV's coverage of Paley Fest 2008.While stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were not in attendance, a very impressive collection of behind the scenes X-Files all-stars were gathered together for a reunion at the Paley Fest, to the delight of an incredibly enthu ... [Continua a leggere]

Paley Festival: The X-Files

From March 14th to March 27th, The Paley Center for Media is presenting the twenty-fifth annual William S. Paley Television Festival. The Paley Center, formerly the Museum of Television and Radio, says that the festival celebrates "television's rich and diverse programming and the creative process behind the medium." This year the festival included Chuck, Pushing Daisies, The Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reunion, Dirty Sexy Money among others. I've already attended the Buffy Reunion and Dirty Sexy Money (click above for those reports). Last night I went to The X-Files panel. For what happened duri ... [Continua a leggere]



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