Archivio Stampa Inglese

The X-Files leading genre Emmy winner

ER may have won Outstanding Drama Series at the 1996 Emmys last September, but for genre fans, the real winner was The X-Files, which took a total of five statues when it added Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series to the four won the previous night at the Creative Arts Awards ceremony. Gulliver’s Travels tied with The X-Files for a total of five Emmys, the most awards given to any show this year. Also, The Outer Limits episode, “A Stitch in Time” won for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series, Amanda Plummer. At the Creative Arts Award ceremony on Septemb ... [Continua a leggere]

The War of the Worlds

Who's Who in 'The X-Files' — From Mulder and Scully to the Lone Gunmen, a directory of characters from the sci-fi hit

The good news: The truth is out there. The bad news: It will probably stay there. At least some of it, anyway. So far, in their ''mythology'' episodes — those conspiracy-packed shows that form the spine of the series — the producers have created a universe so paranoid and complex it would make Oliver Stone's head spin: alien corpses, mutant DNA, green toxic blood, devious vaccines, and, scariest of all, laser dentistry. Just don't hold your breath for a tidy resolution. As creator Chris Carter says, ''I would like to think that because we can never truly know all the answers in l ... [Continua a leggere]

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Chris Carter is the man behind the creepiest shows on TV: The X-Files and Millennium. Gavin Edwards crawls inside his nightmares.

Chris Carter is picking a murder weapon. He knows a lot about death and its tools, like how Glock handguns are growing more popular with detectives, or how it can be hard to tear off pieces of duct tape when you are trying to suffocate a victim quickly. But when he selects a weapon, he puts all that information aside for one consideration: how it looks. He doesn’t bother to handle the axes or the scythe, doesn’t test their weight, or experiment with how they feel in his right hand. He makes his choices quickly, collecting a pile of hand axes and a gun for good measu ... [Continua a leggere]

Darin Morgan

The X-Files’ court Jester on Turning the Show Inside-Out

There’s a scene in the X-Files episode “Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space”‘ wherein a teenage girl wakes up after a possible alien abduction to find she is wearing her clothes inside out or backwards. “Inside out or backwards” also serves as a fitting description for the comic X-Files episodes written by Darin Morgan, author of “Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space”‘ and three others: “Clyde Bruckman”s Final Repose,” “The War of the Coprophages,” and last season’s “Humbug. ... [Continua a leggere]

Interview with Mark Snow

Composer Mark Snow puts the super-shivers in a very hot sci-fi show.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Aliens don’t give Mulder and Scully the quivers on The X-Files. What really jangles the daring FBI duo is composer Mark Snow’s moody music score. Right now, Snow is busy spooking up X-Files’ fourth season of paranormal pursuits in his cozy home studio in Santa Monica. He’s also scoring the first season of Millennium, the apocalyptic saga of serial killers from X-Files creator Chris Carter, premiering Friday on Fox. And if it seems weird to hear the sounds of alien abduction, killer viruses, bloody mutilation and incestuous genetic mu ... [Continua a leggere]

The Next Files

Chris Carter made the paranormal sexy with The X-Files. Now, with his eagerly anticipated new creep show, Millennium, he’s shooting for just plain shocking.

Chris Carter has a horrifying idea. More monstrous than the Flukeman who wormed his way onto The X-Files during its second season. More hideous than the jumbo cockroaches that wiggled across the screen last season. More appalling than the apocalyptic serial killers about to be unleashed this season on Millennium, the deeply creepy X-Files spawn arriving Oct. 25. “Let’s go jogging,” the TV producer suggests with hair-raising cheeriness. “How about Sunday morning? Sunday morning good for you?” The horror, the horror. And that’s just the beginning ... [Continua a leggere]

Brother from another planet

You might say that writer Darin Morgan became the proverbial overnight success – after a decade toiling away on unproduced scripts – on March 31, 1995, the day the Fox Network broadcast “Humbug”, the first X-Files episode from his pen. Although fans had already learned his name earlier in the third season – he played the ‘Flukeman’ in “The Host” and received a story credit on the subsequent episode “Blood”, written by his brother Glen and James Wong – it was Morgan’s comedic take on The X-Files that ins ... [Continua a leggere]

Cybertalk with Mark Snow

Mark Snow – Cybertalk Transcript

Marksnow96: We’re here with Mark Snow… OnlineHost: An eerie, yet intriguing, melody glides over a shimmering, sinister rhythmic pattern. A familiar sense of anticipation and delightful dread settles in, as one of the most evocative musical themes in television history announces another episode of The X-Files; the latest triumph in the eclectic career of Mark Snow. Marksnow96: Tosend your questions in for Mark Snow, click on the interact icon and send it in!! We are ready to begin! From Mtowns102: Question: Mark, What equiptment do you use in the X-File theme, and how many track ... [Continua a leggere]

TV’s New Season

Small Screen, Big Headaches

Talk about static. Three top series creators get together to discuss the future–and find an ominous new ratings system, intrusive network execs and increasingly demanding talent, among other concerns. How do some of television’s top producers feel about the state of the industry? Seeking to take the pulse of TV’s creative community on the eve of the new prime-time season, Calendar brought together three producers of current hits–Steven Bochco, Marta Kauffman and Chris Carter–to explore that question. Bochco, 52, will soon be inducted into the Televis ... [Continua a leggere]

Secret of X-Files’ success is its secrets

“Mulder will see something that he thinks is paranormal, and Scully will say, no, it can’t be.” — X-Files producer Chris Carter on what fans can expect in the upcoming season.

PASADENA, Calif. — Chris Carter promises the usual surprises — and a nasty shock or two — when The X-Files begins its fourth season sometime in October. The first episode will be a conclusion to June’s cliffhanger which opened a whole new can of worms of exactly who is doing what to whom. Beyond that, and the fact the season opener is being shot in Kamloops — “This one is set in Canada,” Carter said cryptically, refusing to reveal more detail than that — he isn’t saying much other than, like all good X-Files episodes, this on ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files ‘abducted’ to Sundays

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Chris Carter, the creator of “The X-Files,” says his show’s been abducted. Fox TV plans to move the popular paranormal hit from Friday night to Sunday night this fall to make room for a new show. “I like to think of ‘The X-Files’ as being abducted,” the writer-producer told a Television Critics Association gathering Wednesday. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson star as FBI investigators Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, who handle the bureau’s unsolved and officially shelved “X-files” — case ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files Uncovered - Subject: Gillian Anderson

Rolling Stone ISSUE 734

Petite and unimposing in person, Gillian Anderson has a huge and unusually believable presence on screen. Perhaps that explains why fans have sent mail for her to the FBI, which forwards it on her. Anderson, 27, grew up in so many places -including Puerto Rico, London, Grand Rapids, Mich.- that you wonder what her parents did for a living. " They were circus geeks" she says, showing more of a sense of humor than Scully. (Actually, her father runs a film post-production company, and her mother is a computer analyst.) A former punk-rock lover, Anderson studied acting at DePaul University's Good ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files Uncovered - Subject: Chris Carter

Rolling Stone ISSUE 734

As we talk in the mysteriously small office on the Fox lot in Los Angeles, Chris Carter is surrounded by a library that includes Dolphins, ETs and Angels, Conversation with Nostradamus, Cosmic Top Secret, UFO: The Continuing Enigma and perhaps the scariest book of all - The Bridges off Madison County. Carter grew up in Bellflower, Calif. He started surfing at 12, and after he graduated from California State University at Long Beach, he worked as an editor at Surfing magazine for 13 years. With the encouragement of his future wife, screenwriter Dori Pierson, Carter started writing screenplays ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files Uncovered - Subject: David Duchovny

Rolling Stone ISSUE 734

EVEN IF HE DID LOOSE TO STEPHEN KING ON Celebrity Jeopardy! last year, David Duchovny remains one smart cookie. How many TV hunks do you know who went to Princeton, then grad school at Yale, and started a doctoral thesis titled Magic and Technology in Contemporary American Fiction and Poetry? The 35-year old Duchovny grew up middle-class and "half-Jewish,half-Scotish" on Manhattan's Lower East Side. His father -who wrote such books as David Ben-Gurion in His Own words and The Wisdom of Spiro T. Agnew- and his mother, a schoolteacher, divorced when he was 11. David earned a scholarship to Coll ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files Uncovered

Rolling Stone ISSUE 734

The truth about "The X-Files" is in here. At least I hope so. If I seem confused, suspicious or even full-out paranoid, trust me -I have reasons. From the moment I fearlessly choose to accept this assignment, strange things started happening. Unexplained things. Totally paranormal shit. First, how can I explain away the phenomenon of finding myself entranced by a show that I -and much of the Western world- initially dismissed as goofy, spooky kids' stuff? After all, The X-Files was a series that even the Fox network considered less promising than "The adventures of Brisco County Jr." The cast ... [Continua a leggere]



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