Archivio Stampa Inglese

Scully and Mulder's X-cellent Adventure - David Duchovny

Details - Giugno 1998

For five years, they have fought mutant sewer dwellers, seven-foot she-beasts, and chain-smoking double agents. Now, have alien forces finally taken possession of Scully and Mulder? Rob Tannenbaum goes to the set of the X-Files Movie and investigates the conspiracy surrounding the conspiracy.

David Duchovny doesn't look much better than his costar, and not only because of the bullet wound Fox Mulder has taken just below the hairline. It's Day 54 of the shoot, a Friday in late August, and all during this difficult summer the cast has raced to finish the film in time to start the fifth season of the series. The film--which will be released on June 19, as a bridge to a sixth season starting in the fall--is set partly in the Antarctic, so the crew has built a fake snowscape inside a Hollywood soundstage. Their fabrication appears so genuine, you might almost believe the c ... [Continua a leggere]

Scully and Mulder's X-cellent Adventure - Gillian Anderson

Details - Giugno 1998

For five years, they have fought mutant sewer dwellers, seven-foot she-beasts, and chain-smoking double agents. Now, have alien forces finally taken possession of Scully and Mulder? Rob Tannenbaum goes to the set of the X-Files Movie and investigates the conspiracy surrounding the conspiracy.

Gillian Anderson looks like hell. She's as pale as a mime-school applicant, her delft-blue eyes are underlined with dark blurs, her red hair is as filthy as a mud puddle. She looks like someone you'd see being shoved into a van on Cops. Anderson has to look like this, though, because Dana Scully has just seen as alien.“I've been through some . . . stuff, “ Anderson tells me hesitantly from inside a big parka, and that's the whole of her explanation. “Stuff “ is one of the euphemisms used on the Hollywood set of the X-Files movie, a secretive site of controlled in ... [Continua a leggere]

Moment Of Truth

Expectations are running high as the popular X-Files crosses over from TV to the big screen

HOLLYWOOD — It’s undeniable. The X-Factor truth will be out there in a few weeks. Believe no one until then. Days from now we will discover whether TV’s X-Files will become a movie hit. Opening Friday, Chris Carter’s film creation is a $60-million exercise in Star Trek-like cross-pollination, although unlike Star Trek and The Next Generation, the series is still airing. So like what’s going on? This is clear. The X-Files: Fight The Future tries to exploit what makes the series popular. That would be the unspoken bond between David Duchovny’s Fox ... [Continua a leggere]

Details Magazine

I’m warned about Chris Carter by Duchovny, who knows a lot about misleading exteriors. Inside Carter’s office on the Fox lot, not far away from the [movie] set, the creator of The X-Files seems calmly immune to the rigors of filmmaking. He is a handsome man, graying and shaggy-haired, sitting in an elegantly appointed, shuttered office, bowls of candy and fruit on various dark wood desks, a turquoise surfboard in a corner, an episode mapped out in index cards on a bulletin board. It could be the office of any other successful executive, except for a copy of ... [Continua a leggere]

Mulder and Scully's Make Out Session

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny shared a red-hot kiss on the set of their movie, The X-Files: Fight the Future — but read no further if you want to preserve the surprise.

The famously platonic Mulder and Scully stop just short of smooching in the flick, but the actors took it further during filming, director Rob Bowman tells our Jeanne Wolf. "I can tell you what's not in the film is a blast," he says. "After we did six or seven takes, I said, 'Cut, print. Got it. Thank you very much.' They said, "No, we'd like to go one more time.' So they started the scene. And they got right into the drama, coming closer and closer. And then tongues came out. And then they slapped up against the wall. She drove him up against the wall. Oh, it was fabulous." But wait: It get ... [Continua a leggere]

The S Files

An interview with composer Mark Snow

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Mark Snow regarding his work on the "X Files" television show, and the upcoming feature film. Mr. Snow will be signing copies of his score album to the film on June 6th at 1pm at Creature Features in Burbank, CA. The album arrives in stores on Tuesday, June 2, and the movie opens nationwide on June 19th. Flashing back five years. How did you get involved in "The X-Files"? Did Chris Carter approach you? It was a friend of mine, who was the Executive Producer of "X-Files" in Canada, R.W. Goodwin. He was a producer of TV stuff for quite a while and w ... [Continua a leggere]

TV Guide Interview William B.Davis

TV Guide: So the movie opens with the bombing of a Dallas office building. And then?William B. Davis: [There's a long silence] You're trying to get me to tell you how the movie opens.TVG: But that's in the production notes. It says that Scully and Mulder are investigating a bombed building.WBD: Ah, but you said the movie opens with that.TVG: OK. What do the aliens look like?WBD: I can't tell you that.TVG: What is the government covering up anyway?WBD: I can't tell you that.TVG: In the movie, apparently, David Duchovny has a Chippendale's moment with a hospital gown. Do you fla ... [Continua a leggere]

Interview With Rob Bowman – Producer of the X-Files

The Washington, D.C. Expo was his first. He looked totally exhausted, rumpled and hot. A security guard sat with us for the entire interview. J. Hitchcock: What do you think of it so far? Rob Bowman: Well, let's see. They forgot to pick me up at the airport last night (Security guard) Now, now, we're making good on that tonight. After some good-natured ribbing with the guard, Bowman answers my question. RB: It's a really positive outcome of hanging out in a hotel room in Vancouver for four years. I never thought all this would happen. JH: What do you think of having the Expo here (White ... [Continua a leggere]

50 most beautiful people, 1998

CHRIS CARTER TV PRODUCER Not until he made paranoia and paranormal creepiness prime-time staples did fair-haired surfer dude and The X-Files creator Chris Carter reveal the dark side lurking beneath his shimmery mane. His cult show achieves out-of-this-world ratings, but the former editor of Surfing magazine admits that when he began dealing more with gloom than good vibrations, “a lot of people looked at me and didn’t know where it came from.” Perhaps from beyond? No, from the Los Angeles suburb of Bellflower, where Carter, 41, was voted Mr. Smile and Mr. Fli ... [Continua a leggere]

TVgen Interview with Chris Carter

TV Guide: Making an X-Files movie during the run of the series could be considered the riskiest thing you've ever done.Chris Carter: I guess the perceived risk is that you can answer too many questions. The X-Files has always been about posing questions, and any time you give an answer, then you pull the rug out from under people. But in a movie, you can't do that. You have to have a beginning, middle and end, and there has to be a big revelation, there has to be something monumental in the movie. Something has to change for the characters. And of course, this is a movie that is going t ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files cameraman pictures L.A.

Joel Ransom hasn’t decided if he’ll follow the show to California, but his memories of doing it here are still vivid and moody.

If Joel Ransom has done his job, nothing that meets the eye during tomorrow’s season finale of The X-Files will seem artificially posed, self-conscious or self-serving. As the New Westminster-born, Port Moody-raised director of photography for The X-Files during its final season in the Lower Mainland, Ransom worked cheek-by-jowl with directors like Rob Bowman, Kim Manners and R.W. (Bob) Goodwin, supervising a tight-knit crew of Vancouver-based lighting technicians and camera operators (Marty McInally, Simon Jori, Mark Cohen, among others) to create some of the most compe ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter, X-pert

The master of shadowy mystery sheds light on The X-Files’ high-risk journey to the big screen

There’s not much time left. It’s early May, two weeks before The X-Files’ fifth-season finale airs and just little more than a month before “The X-Files” opens. The deadlines are fast approaching, but for a man who’s spending every waking minute in editing rooms putting the finishing touches on his TV and movie projects, creator-executive producer Chris Carter shows little sign of wear. Sporting a deep tan magnified by the white T-shirt he wears in his unassuming bungalow office on the Twentieth Century Fox lot, Carter admits he was able to s ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files creator bids B.C. sad adieu

The creator and executive-producer of The X-Files says it was a wrenching decision to move the popular television series to its new home in Los Angeles.

Chris Carter says he was nearly overcome with emotion when he broke the news late Friday night to his Vancouver crew, which was shooting one of the few remaining episodes of the season at a Kingsway Street motel. Carter said that, in the end, he owed it to his two stars, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, to allow them to return to their homes after five years of working abroad. In an interview by phone from Los Angeles Sunday, Carter admitted that he had promised Duchovny and Anderson that the show would not stay in Vancouver indefinitely. Duchovny told several ... [Continua a leggere]

Vancouver Sun

Shaken, stirred and satisfied. That’s how X-Files creator Chris Carter felt after seeing the cast and crew of his new TV series Harsh Realm reproduce the battle-scarred streets of Sarajevo down to the last bullet-scarred detail last weekend on a block-long stretch of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. “Believe me, I don’t consider myself to be a philosopher,” Carter said, taking in the scene in his characteristic even-tempered, California surfer-dude voice. “This is the amazing thing: I’m telling stories that I want to tell and people seem t ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files Expo transcript

X-File Expo March 14th, 1998 Tustin Marine Corp. Base Transcript by Kahunna

Well, after sneaking in a recorder to the Expo at Tustin on Saturday… and then carefully playing it back and typing it up on the computer today, the final project is what is in this and the next 7 posts : a transcript of the Writers Forum. I spent 7 hours in front of my computer typing the following out for you, the good fans of the X-Files.FS – Frank Spotnitz JS – John Shiban VG – Vince Gilligan MC – The Emcee Q – Audience Question [] – audience reaction (unless mentioned otherwise) All three walk out on stage. Frank at stage r ... [Continua a leggere]



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