Archivio Stampa Videogiochi

LICENSE TO THRILL? #2: The X-Files Game (1998)

“Full-motion video? Hey, it’s just like watching the show!”

Who made it?:HyperBole Studios (Developer), Fox Interactive (Publisher).Genre: Point-and-Click Adventure.Platforms: PC, PlayStation.Format: PC CD-ROM/optical disc.Release date: May 31 1998 (PC), September 1999 (PlayStation). Some of you might be too young to remember the X-Fever of the 90s, but it was really something. A niche sci-fi show that went from cult worship to worldwide ratings hit, The X-Files was an amazing staple of television when it started, managing to tell some truly memorable stories in its first five seasons. Its mix of freak-of-the-week plotlines and conspiracy theories m ... [Continua a leggere]

Un nuovo capitolo per la serie X-Files?

L'ottimo successo della serie 'paranormale' di casa Fox non ha mai attecchito anche in ambito videoludico. I due titoli dedicato alle avventure di Mulder e Scully (l'ultima, per PS2, risalente alla scorsa estate), non sono mai riuscite a riprodurre adeguatamente quel sapiente mix fanta-horror che ha segnato invece le 9 stagioni dei due agenti FBI. Sarà il mobile gaming a risolvere questo stato di cose? La pensa così la Elkware, che ha acquistato i diritti della serie per produrre un titolo nuova di zecca per i cellulari di nuova generazione. X-Files: The Lion's Den, questo il tit ... [Continua a leggere]

Gamespot Interview with Gillian Anderson

Q: With your work moving from TV and film to CD-ROM: First off, does it change, and secondly, how does the electronic industry, the CD-ROM industry, change how you are approaching your craft, your industry, your job?A: OK, let's start with the first question. The CD-ROM was very different than anything I've been involved in before. It wasn't really so much about acting, it was about hitting marks, it was about leading the other characters towards an end, and what that meant was standing in one spot saying the same lines in different ways, or saying lines that were positive and negative ... [Continua a leggere]



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