Archivio Stampa Gillian Anderson

Scully and Me

Back to investigate the paranormal after a hiatus of 13 years, X-Files star Gillian Anderson talks to Vogue about finding Scully again, and why this time she’s better dressed.

In the beginnning, Dana Scully’s hair was my natural colour, which is as dull as anything.  It was 1993 and I was 24.  After we shot the pilot and The X-Files was picked up for series, our executive producer Chris Carter said: “She’s going red.”  And that’s how Scully became a redhead.  For the next nine years I dyed it on a semi-regular basis, but then the show ended in 2002 I defiantly became a blonde and have been one ever since. For the 2015 reboot of six episodes, the question naturally came up: to dye or not to dye?  My hair was alr ... [Continua a leggere]

Great Expectations: Falling in love with Miss Havisham

Great Expectations #5

I wanted to play Miss Havisham because she's an iconic character who pervades our world in various forms. So many people have written about her or based other characters on her over many decades. I was interested in what it was that was so appealing about her, what it is that seems to get under people's skin. We're talking about a woman who is deeply, almost psychotically manipulative and potentially really psychologically damaging to Pip and Estella, the two children that we see her have this direct impact on. There was a curiosity there for me. Also reading the scripts and appreciating ... [Continua a leggere]

Ten Essential Tips for a perfect day to Yourself

1. If you normally wake up late, then wake up early. If you wake up early, then treat yourself by waking up late. 2. If you normally eat sugary things for breakfast then treat yourself with fresh fruit, whole grain cereals, and full fat yogurt with honey. If that’s your normal fare, then eat a bowl of frosted flakes. 3. If you normally take a quick shower in the morning, then take a king bath at night. 4. Pack a book and a paper and go for a walk, either in your own neighborhood or explore a new one. 5. Stop in the shops and browse rather than speeding in to get a specific thi ... [Continua a leggere]

The truth about David Duchovny

Gillian interviews David. Hmmm. Simple idea. Why hasn't it happened before? Friction? A conspiracy? USA WEEKEND sends the X-Files co-star on assignment.

David Duchovny is standing outside his trailer on the Los Angeles set of "The X-Files," waiting for his co-star, Gillian Anderson. "She's on the phone with Mike Wallace," he says with a half smile. "She's getting interview tips." He's kidding. Anderson hasn't contacted the 60 Minutes bulldog. But when she does show up for her first-ever assignment as a journalist, she's exceedingly well-prepared. She was "thrilled" when USA WEEKEND asked her to interview Duchovny and was flattered to learn he'd suggested her for the job. Sitting "Indian-style" beside Duchovny on a couch in his trailer, Anders ... [Continua a leggere]



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