For five years, they have fought mutant sewer dwellers, seven-foot she-beasts, and chain-smoking double agents. Now, have alien forces finally taken possession of Scully and Mulder? Rob Tannenbaum goes to the set of the X-Files Movie and investigates the conspiracy surrounding the conspiracy.
David Duchovny doesn't look much better than his costar, and not only because of the bullet wound Fox Mulder has taken just below the hairline. It's Day 54 of the shoot, a Friday in late August, and all during this difficult summer the cast has raced to finish the film in time to start the fifth season of the series. The film--which will be released on June 19, as a bridge to a sixth season starting in the fall--is set partly in the Antarctic, so the crew has built a fake snowscape inside a Hollywood soundstage. Their fabrication appears so genuine, you might almost believe the c ... [Continua a leggere]