Archivio Stampa Rick Fulton

Mulder and Scully are reunited in the new X-Files movie

Duchovny: I Felt Queasy Hooking Up With Co-Star Gillian After We Spent Six Years Apart

IT'S one of the most eagerly anticipated movies of the year ...but The X-Files co-stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson didn't seem that keen to get back together on screen. David admits they had hardly seen each other since the TV show ended six years ago and that he was "queasy" at the thought of returning to his most famous role. But once the 46-year-old was reunited with Gillian on the set of the new film, The X-Files: I Want To Believe, it was all sweetness and light. "It's almost like going back to a relationship you thought was over, so it's a little queasy at first," said Dav ... [Continua a leggere]



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